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You are viewing Companies that begin with the character "a"

May 23, 2023
Advionics is located in Oostkamp Belgium, at the heart of Europe.
May 23, 2023
Anglo Belgian Corporation (ABC) located in Gent, Belgium, is a leading European manufacturer of medium-speed engines in the power range between 600 and 10,400 kW.
May 23, 2023
Antwerp Space is a leading Belgian Space company active in the field of Space based RF applications.
May 24, 2023
AnyShape enables organisations worldwide to exploit the full potential of additive manufacturing.
May 24, 2023
APPROACH is a pure-play cyber security and privacy service provider.
May 24, 2023
ASCO is a world class supplier of design and manufacture of high lift structures, complex mechanical assemblies and major functional components.
May 24, 2023
AUTOMATIC SYSTEMS, a world leader in the automation of secure entrance control, designs and manufactures pedestrian, vehicle and passenger access systems.
May 29, 2024
Established in 2013 in Antwerp, Belgium, Accelleran builds Open Private 5G Network solutions that are as easy to deploy as WiFi, with real world deployments across multiple industry vert


What is the value of a national defence? What does it cost the state and the Belgian population, what are the benefi ts and what is the return on investment of a national defence for society?


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The Minister of Defence, Steven Vandeput asked from some experts to document their opinions regarding the future of Defence for 2030. This is a document of 197 pages, expressing their views-estimations, in terms of societal and operational factors, as well as todays’ and future risks that might arise. (Text in French)


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Defence is an essential mission of the public authority. Investing in Defence both today and in the future is investing in the security of our society, and in the freedom, well-being and prosperity of all citizens. As stated in the Government agreement, this government gives Defence back the means to execute its tasks properly. During the last three decades Defence has continuously contributed to the rehabilitation of our public finances by reducing the defence budget. The strategic vision that follows gives new breathing space to Defence in order to ensure our population that the armed forces will be able to contribute significantly to the security of our society in the years and decades to come.


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